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DDACTS - Data Driven Approach to Crime and Traffic Safety
What is DDACTS?
Data Driven Approach to Crime and Traffic Safety
Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) is a law enforcement operational model supported by a partnership among the Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and two agencies of the Department of Justice: the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Institute of Justice.
DDACTS integrates location-based crime and traffic data to establish effective and efficient methods for deploying law enforcement and other resources. Using geomapping to identify areas that have high incidences of crime and crashes, DDACTS uses traffic enforcement strategies that play a dual role in fighting crime and reducing crashes and traffic violations. Drawing on the deterrent of highly visible traffic enforcement and the knowledge that crime often involves the use of motor vehicles, the goal of DDACTS is to reduce the incidence of crime, crashes, and traffic violations in Evesham Township.
ETPD is proud to announce another successful year in our deployment of our personnel in our established DDACTS Zone. Our DDACTS operational model has been proven to be an effective and efficient manner of addressing the most consistent social harms affecting our community. ETPD sets aggressive goals to lower crashes, shoplifting's, burglaries and increase DWI arrests. As a result of the hard work and dedication of the men and women of ETPD the following results were achieved inside the DDACTS Zone:
2019 Report:
2% decrease in Motor Vehicle Accidents
No increase in DWIs
19% decrease in shopliftings
39% decrease in burglaries
Evesham Accident Map
Evesham Police Accident Map that is a configuration of ArcGIS Web AppBuilder, created for the general public to view recent accident data in, and around, a given location.
Click here at access ETPD Accident Map