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Deputy Chief of Police
Thomas Reinholt
The Deputy Chief of Police shall serve as the second highest-ranking officer in the department and shall exercise direct control over all subordinate personnel subject to the authority of the Chief of Police and in accordance with the rules, regulations and written directives of the police department.
Deputy Chief Reinholt has been a police officer since 1997, first serving with the Runnemede Police Department before joining the Evesham Township Police Department in 2000. While assigned to the Patrol Bureau, he held the positions of K9 Officer, Corporal, and Sergeant. Upon being promoted to Lieutenant, he served as the Accreditation Manager, and performed the internal affairs and training functions for the agency. As a Captain, he commanded the Administrative and Operations divisions, which included the patrol, investigative, support services, and professional standards functions.
Deputy Chief Reinholt is a graduate of the 281st Session of the FBI National Academy. He is also a graduate of the Rutgers University Certified Public Manager Program, and New Jersey State Chiefs of Police Command and Leadership Program. He attended the FBI Mid-Atlantic Law Enforcement Executive Development Seminar at Princeton University. He is also a New Jersey State Chiefs of Police Accredited Command Executive, and a Law Enforcement Accreditation Program Assessor. Deputy Chief Reinholt has a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from LaSalle University, and a Master’s Degree in Education from Seton Hall University.